Experiential Learning in Business
BA 495A is a senior-level project activity that is intended to build upon all of a student's previous coursework in business, links the theoretical with day-to-day practical applications, and represents the single largest event in the Bachelor of Science in Business (BSB) program. This course is where the student will design an internship with a business organization in which they have a particular interest and, under the supervision of a faculty member, will practice integrating and applying business fundamentals and skills in a field setting, carry out analysis, prepare a comprehensive paper, and give a presentation of their work.
All parties involved in the internship project should benefit from the experience. The student should receive practical, "hands-on" experience in the business world. The employer benefits from having a highly motivated intern who can contribute to the success of the business. The University benefits from the contacts and goodwill generated by placing our students with local, regional, national, and international organizations. As with many of the other courses within the BSB curriculum, this course further reinforces the development of writing and presentation skills, but also helps the student integrate and apply business administration skills and competencies.
Brandywine Business internships included Marketing, Accounting, Management and other internship positions in more than 60 organizations over the past 3 years. Internship positions include both for profit and non-profit organizations ranging from small entrepreneurial endeavors to large, multinational organizations. Our interns performed duties ranging from collecting data and preparing spreadsheets to developing marketing plans for the release of new programs and projects. Students academically process internship learning through extensive written assignments, a comprehensive research paper on the assessment of the internship, and a public presentation of the project.
Upon registration, BA 495A internship materials are available on-line in Canvas. Brandywine students have successfully completed internships locally, nationally and internationally. The on-site internship supervisors should hold a bachelor's degree in a relevant field, provide supervision and support, and evaluate students through mid-semester and final performance appraisals. The Business Internship Coordinator will meet with the intern and be available as an active partner throughout the internship experience.
Penn State Brandywine BSB Internship Summary
- Penn State Brandywine BSB seniors research and secure internships in B A 420 with the support of the BSB Internship Coordinator and Career Development staff.
- BSB 6th, 7th or 8th semester seniors complete a 6 credit B A 495A 300-hour internship, having had the following prerequisites: BA322 and 420.
- B A 495A includes an online component that requires students to complete multiple assessments.
- B A 495A is offered in all semesters.
- Interns are supervised and evaluated by their Supervisor and a full-time PSU faculty member.
- 53% of interns receive compensation for internship hours (2009 - 2011).
Please find below a detailed description of the Penn State Brandywine BSB program internship requirements.
B A 420: Planning for Internship (1 credit)
Planning, preparation, and decision making for students enrolling in B A 495A course in their final semester(s).
B A 495A: Internship (6 credits)
Interns work in compensated employment or unpaid internships 20- 40 hours weekly for 15 weeks to complete the required total of 300+ hours (50 hours per credit) in a one semester internship experience. Internship focus is on experiential learning accompanied by intensive supervision provided by an on-site supervisor, as well as Penn State full-time Faculty-based instruction and mentoring.
Internship Coordinator: Kathleen Yanoshak, [email protected], 610-892-1227
Business Program Coordinator: Christina Olear, [email protected], 610-892-1451
Additional Resources for Students
Additional Resources for Employers